A Vocabulary Parade

What the heck is a vocabulary parade? I know, I thought the same thing when I got the newsletter sent home in Aviva's backpack. Apparently its something schools do sometimes. Not just my child's elementary. You pick a word. Any word in the dictionary is fair game. Then you make a costume that depicts that word. The school then invites all the parents to watch the students have a parade, hence the parade part. Everyone shows off their word costumes. -aww!

There was a list of words sent home I guess to help get the creative juices flowing. I was looking at the words and thinking how am I suppose to come up with a costume for "obtuse" or "aquatic" etc...
This was going to require a little thinking outside the box. On top of that, I had already expended my efforts and budget for costumes making Aviva's Vanellope Von Schweetz costume : P So I needed to be able to make it with stuff we already had. This didn't seem to be a problem, the kids have a bunch of things that can be used to "dress up". I ended up raiding the girls' kitchen toys because they honestly don't need 3 plastic bananas, 20 plastic utensils and about 40 different fake veggies. With all these fake foods and an old sweater, I put together what may be the most creative 5 minute throw together costume. Kidding, but I thought it was good. At least the little hair piece I made, that was creative AF not to toot my own horn.

I drew up the little food pyramid onto a piece of poster board. The banana had a face drawn on it with a sharpie and that's what was left. I had drawn faces on all the toy bananas at one point so Aviva could have a "banana family".

Here is the whole outfit thrown together, really simple. Her gummy bear earrings went nicely since we can't forget the top (and most important) tier of the food pyramid.
I think a lot of the parents/students did a really good job coming up with costumes, I'm going to add a few pictures of some the favorites I saw. Of course I had to cover up the students faces so they can have a little anonymity. This might give you some ideas if you are in the position of coming up with a  Vocabulary Parade costume ;p

can't remember this one, he might have been the word computer but the fact that he's a computer is hilarious. Maybe its because he was a little AZN BOI it was funnier. Yeah I can say that because I'm asian myself.

...this one because someone sent their son to school as a tree 
He had a little glass slipper on his arm pillow, this one was SO dang cute.

That's all for now, its Thanksgiving and I'm fasting until the big feast. Serious question, do any other countries have a national holiday heavily focused on eating large amounts of food, feast style? I hope so, because I look forward to Thanksgiving all year long.
happy thanksgiving y'all

signing off
-me so hungry


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