I know these drinks have been around for quite some time now (like years, I took the late train) but as a self diagnosed caffeine addict I figure my opinion holds some value to anyone who has yet to try these drinks. Considering Bang isn't as popular as Monster/Rockstar/Red Bull products I would imagine there is still a number of people who haven't heard of them. Let me begin by saying these are more than just an "energy drink" but definitely a "pre-workout drink". Each can of Bang delivers a high amount of caffeine at 300mg. According to the Red Bull website "One 8.4 oz can of Red Bull Energy drink contains 80mg of caffeine, about the same amount as in a cup of coffee." That means Bang energy drinks have over triple the amount of Red Bull. Something to consider if you're caffeine sensitive or regularly consume coffee or other caffeinated products. Personally I don't drink energy drinks because I'm not a fan of the sugar content or taste. I don't enjoy heavily carbonated drinks in particular and would rather have a cup of coffee over an energy drink. I wouldn't have picked up a Bang energy drink if I hadn't run out of my pre-workout. I'm a pre workout junkie. It's my liquid motivation. Some people drink a cup of coffee and they go and others dry scoop it and phuck it up in the gym. (hi, that's me)

These drinks come in a large variety of flavors. I feel you're bound to find a flavor you like. Bang Energy drinks also contain zero calories and have zero sugar, both selling points for me. Instead, the company uses artificial sweeteners-which if you aren't opposed to-will surprise you with how flavorful these drinks are. The drink itself is colorless and slightly carbonated but not overly sweet. Although they don't have that sugary sweet taste they also don't have that "lack of'' taste that you'd expect from anything sugar free.
Here's a closer look at a can:

This drink also claims to have "SUPER CREATINE" and "CoQ10" two ingredients that take this from run of the mill energy drink to "potent brain and body fuel". *cue eye roll* Unfortunately the nutrition label fails to state the amount of these ingredients in each can. It leaves me to doubt if there is really such a thing as this company's very own formulated "super creatine". Since we don't know how much is in this product, If the makers of Bang (VPX Sports) really wanted to be super douches they could get away with only adding an insignificant amount of these ingredients and still advertise containing both.  CoQ10, or Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring compound in your body that helps generate energy in your cells.  Research has been shown to back up its effects as we can also get CoQ10 through supps. and food. Still, there is a questionable amount present in this drink. And like creatine, unless supplemented into your diet regularly, the amount in one can of Bang Energy drink would probably not be enough to reap any particular benefits from it. So in regards to this, I wouldn't buy this drink because of these ingredients but for what it is: a yummy way to get a high amount of caffeine in a short amount of time. Or as a pre workout. Creatine is actually pretty cheap. You're better off buying some and supplementing it that way. Besides, creatine is best taken shortly after a workout or with a carb heavy meal. 
...aaand by cheap I mean I got that creatine for $14 doll hairs-->114 servings. Monohydrate for this chick.~~
My final thoughts? YES I WOULD RECOMMEND. Time to step it up, weak sauce! You Red Bull chain drinkers, 5 Hour Energy bottle guzzlers.  Get a real caffeinated drink! : P
Word Of Caution: unless your caffeine tolerance is high I wouldn't take this drink and stay at home. Last time I did that I stayed up till 3 am organizing everything in my damn closet. The level I'm talking about is mental,  I was going through cards I kept from high school and sorting those out. I couldn't sleep. So time it wisely and drink it a good 30 minutes prior to a lifting sesh.  and you'll be fine~  

For those wondering you can pick one of these up for under $3, I've got them from 7Eleven for $2.50. During the time I went without my actual pre *PEScience PROLIFIC pictured above*  I was on this mission to try every flavor of Bang drinks and every flavor I tried. Ok, just about...They are friggin tasty. If I could rate some of my favorites it would be :

* Pina Colada
*Cherry Limeblade
*Peach Mango
*Purple Guava
*Rainbow Unicorn (it taste like fn fruity cereal)

I wouldn't get the cotton candy because it tastes just like cotton candy and that shit is nasty. Im starting to realize I really get grossed out by how sweet and bullshitty cotton candy is. Hard pass unless you still have 10 year old taste buds and like cotton candy. The "Berry Bangster" one, also garbage. hey, IMHO. I was chugging that stuff down so I wouldn't have to taste it. Its basically if some sadist melted grape Tootsie Pops with grape Jolly Ranchers, took that liquid and added some fizz to it. yeh, no thanks buddy. STRONG DISLIKE on the grape soda wannabe. but, if that's your thing, you go right on ahead.

-signing off.


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