A Trip to the Asian Market

We're gonna talk about AZN SNAKS...like *me* juuuust kidding~
If you've ever been to an asian food store/grocer/market then you know the two most prominent sections of the place: 
1. The pungent seafood area
(try walking past this section without holding your breath, I dare you)
and 2. The snack aisle.
Oh, behold! The glorious foreign treats and sweets from the orient.

Shelves colorfully lined with products in Japanese labels. Also in abundance here; drinks in funky glass bottles and packages with anime characters or ridiculously cute animals.
If sweets aren't your craving, there's always chips-a-plenty for whatever you fancy.

The struggles of being an Asian kid were real, and sugary...real sugary.

Growing up half an asian kid, I never left the Filipino store empty handed. That would be a crime.
Fast forward till now, and I still get the spark of excitement of going to the asian market store. Conditioned into my being: the concept of a trip renders leaving with a treat. Oh, Pavlovian law!
Except now I go with adventurous tastes and a more mature palette. I love trying anything matcha, taro, coconut or red bean flavor. If you haven't, I suggest you do. In fact, with matcha anything there's a 10 out of 10 chance that I'll like it. I'm open to different textures and I can eat things surprisingly bland tasting but despite all this its still a hit or miss when trying new foods. 

I'm gonna make this easier for you if you ever find yourself indecisive in the snack aisle. Here are some big fat YES! recommendations...

My top favy favs are :

*Matcha Kit Kats

* frozen mochi 
(strawberry is amazing but matcha is wonderful too)

*coconut water 
(as long as its in a cardboard box and not a can. I notice a metallic taste from the can when you chill it. maybe its just me but I can't un-taste it now. It's like the smell of pennies but in your mouth)

*Thai tea 
(no particular brand they're all good over ice)

*Ube flavored "Polvoron"
(This is similar to Mexican mazapan in texture but a Filipino version)

*Kinder bars
(pictured below:)

*Pocky (duh!)
(you can't go wrong here no matter the flavor, my tops would be mochi, strawberry, cookies and cream and the toasted coconut one if you can find it.

If you're lucky the asian market will also have a Mexican section. That's when you hit the jackpot ;) cause it's the best of both worlds. I won't even get started on some of my favorite Mexican candies. but the one we've been going to has a paleta selection that's absolutely drool worthy.

Some of those flavors wouldn't be the first I'd reach for. **Im looking at you neon green "ZOMBIE" flavored paleta**...ya girl decided to play it safe:

But it doesn't stop at the snack aisle, ok. We ain't basic~
The main reason we go is because Gilbert finds a lot of the ingredients he uses to cook. For example it took a lot of searching (aka eating for taste trials) to find the perfect noodles for ramen he makes. 
that becomes this =

It's also where to find Chinese eggplant which he uses for ratatouille. 
Yes, like the Disney movie.

 According to a YouTube chef (haha) there's various ways to prepare this dish. This is the way it's served in the movie and the way we've decided to make it. It takes a little time to assemble the vegetable cuts but the end result is aesthetically pleasing.

Ultimately the best part of going to the asian market or trying any foreign foods is when you get to share the experience with someone. I'm glad my husband is always down to taste new foods and even better, try his hand at making them. You don't need a man to get in on the fun though. I've tried European treats, mochi and even pink hot chocolate, my friend Alex picked up from World Market. I even learned to make homemade bubble (boba) tea with my friend Melodie. It even tastes better than some of the boba shops I've ordered from ;) So, grab a friend and get some delicious culture in you.

signing off,
me so hungry ~_~


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